Sustainable Tourism

Using travel as a tool to preserve culture and the environment

Our holidays are meant to make something better out of the places we live in, work at, and love so much. Professionally, we have done so by applying sustainable tourism policies in our operations. These methods have been implied after careful research and based on tools and resources developed by leading tourism groups such as The Travel Foundation and United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Our current integrations are

Provide value to the cultural and hist​orical heritage, so local people preserve and protect it

More than 200 tribes and many religions coexist in Northeast India.

Every tribe has its own intricate and valuable cultural and historical heritage.

Local people need to know that travelers visit their area because of the historical sites, the songs, the festivals and their way of life.

So they are more likely to preserve and protect their culture rather than change to with modern ways or migrate to urban places.

It is evident nowdays that travelers are helping in the preservation of many cultures of the region.

Thats why local people are more conscious and proud of their heritage, and have begun to take steps to ensure the preservation and protection of this heritage.

We help our guests understand the local customs and cultures, so as not to offend local people unknowingly. We promote proper waste disposal, electricity and water conservation.

Good co-interaction between the knowledge of our guests and hosts leaves a positive footprint on the places you visit.